:-: Sultan Muhammad V steps down as Malaysia's king :-:

Palace statement announces head of state’s abdication ending weeks of speculation
15th king of Malaysia, Sultan Muhammad V, saluting at parliamentary event in July 2018
 The 15th king of Malaysia, Sultan Muhammad V, is rumoured to have married a former Russian beauty queen. Photograph: Mohd Rasfan/AFP/Getty Images

:-: Sultan Muhammad V steps down as Malaysia's king :-:

Malaysia’s king has abdicated, royal officials have said, ending weeks of speculation about his future.
The announcement on Sunday follows a leave of absence by the head of state and rumours he had married a former Russian beauty queen.
Sultan Muhammad V’s decision marks the first time a king has abdicated in the Muslim-majority country since Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957.
“The National Palace informs that his majesty has resigned as the 15th king effective January 6,” a statement from the palace said on Sunday.
The palace did not give any reason for the 49-year-old royal’s move.
There had been a question mark over the reign of the king, who ascended to the throne in December 2016, since he took a leave of absence for medical treatment in November.
Reports then circulated online that the king had married a former Miss Moscow in Russia, although royal officials in Malaysia have so far not commented on the rumours.
Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, with a unique arrangement where the throne changes hands every five years between the rulers of the nine Malaysian states headed by centuries-old Islamic royalty.
Speculation had intensified about Sultan Muhammad V’s future this week when the country’s other royals reportedly held a special meeting.

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  1. #tags:-: https://counterfeitairasiabigmembershippoints.blogspot.com/2019/01/sultan-muhammad-v-steps-down-as.html :-:


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